Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Power of Choice

Dear Readers,
Welcome again to the future mining blog. This is the factory where we explore your possibilities and teaches you how to bring them to pass.
Let me start by saying that destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of CHOICE. You have the obligation to bring your dreams and aspirations to pass.
Let me tell you a short story about my admission to Lagos Business School. I graduated with an HND in 2001, served the nation in 2002 and started active professional work in 2003. I have always dreamt of going to LBS for my MBA. I hence conducted a small research on the requirements for the admission and discovered that I need a Bsc to get on board. I decided to go back to school in pursuit of my degree in Business Administration.
Today, MBA at LBS is history, I got the admission and graduated. This is a simple and classic example of how your choices can affect your achievement in life. Nothing comes easily. Effort always precedes success. The moment you gain power over your will, you are on your way to greatness. As I close for today, I like to leave you with a quote from Harry Porters. It says;
"It is your own choice that determines you, not your abilities" You will succeed.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Everything is possible

Dear Reader,

Happy new year to you all.
Have you ever thought of the reasons why people don't achieve their goals and desires year on year. I have search through and discovered the following key principles that you must abide by to deliver your goals successfully.

1) Be cleared on what you want to achieve in 2012
2) Be determined
3) Be focus and relentless
4) Surround yourself with like minds
5) Have strong faith
6) Take actions that will bring your goals to fulfillment daily
7) Be passionate with your goals
8) Don't procrastinate
9) Dream big
10) Believe in yourself.

I believe these few words will help you achieve your goals in 2012.
You will succeed.